To the one reading this,

You are beautiful, brave and a believer.
These words are not only for ladies, yes but also for you gents.

This year 2018, I think is one of the toughest and most challenging yet one of the most memorable years for me.

It made me stronger and realize that I can do things despite of the challenges and obstacles that would face me. It is hard for me to give up my personal plans and rearrange and start all over my "to- do- list" dreams. But, with God, I can.

I thank everyone who became part of my growth and witnessed how I cope up with my weakness. I do believe that God has better plans for us, just let Him lead the way. It is hard to make decisions and there happened a lot of questioning of oneself. It can be hard to understand but yes it's the most beautifully fitted for my pages, our own pages of the wonderful book this 2018.

Thank you for being part of my year! To more fruitful years of friendship, dreams and love.

I just wanted to continue shining.

To be bright and to be part of yours, your stories, also.

Happy 2019!

Lots of love,


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