What's worse than a NO?

There is nothing wrong with rejection. Every rejection may mean an opportunity, another chance or there is something better that would come through. It's like having a Q&A portion during a pageant wherein the answer might be close, closer or not even close to what the judges want to hear. It's not a self destruction nor criticism. It's self- construction.


How does it feel not to be cared for? It's worse than a no? Right. It is.

Having yourself comfortable with people because they're listening to your thoughts, suggestions, endeavors is a good thing. But what if, there's something in between. It's one sided, where the other one doesn't care or doesn't even care at all. It's hurtful. It's like talking with the air and whispering something to yourself. No doubt.

But one thing may still remain.

A caring heart.

A heart ready to understand and do things in a way that will encourage people. A heart that reminds and prospers.

No matter how people feels or even if they tells you about horrible things, you can still stand up and make yourself believe that you can do it, without those who are not mindful about your everything at all.


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