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Beautifully, she aspired. So her dreams transcended. This has been a beautiful journey where the road may seem rough at times but by His grace, everything was conquered. Above all, I thank God for everything He has done! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 "He has made everything beautiful in its time" Ecclesiastes 3:11a This will be quite long but hope to inspire people to dream more and reach for the stars. My life as a student is somehow not typical. I am that “one” who is called constant, undefeated and vigorous: the achiever and the consistent first honors of my time. There are lots of expectations and questions if I'm still on the top. Another thing is being a student leader: I started being an officer during my primary days and that was the time I discovered that I have the potential to lead and inspire people. Though young, serene and shy, the little lady became a role model of whom many have a high regard for.

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